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Friday, 21 January 2011

A question of copyright...

I just received an email from the government, in response to a petition I signed a while back, epetition-responses/petition copyrightreform

Copy right, the right to copy or not to have copied something that you have created.

Say that for instance, you went on holiday to Cyprus, and took some photographs which you then put on a social network, to show your friends what a great time you had and the pictures came out really well, you were really proud of it, and you got it framed to hang on your wall to remind you of your holiday.
That's OK, they are your pictures, you could have it made into a postcard and sell them if you wanted, they are your pictures, you created them.

What if, when you went to book your holiday, the next year, whilst flicking through the brochure, you saw your pictures, printed in the brochure.
That's not good, you didn't give your permission to 'holiday co' to use your images, they didn't ask, they didn't pay you, it doesn't even say that the wonderful picture, that you were so proud of, was taken by you.

That is copyright theft.

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